
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.



I am no Autism expert, but I am a Tommy expert, just as you are the expert when it comes to your children.  Whether you child falls into a challenging category or not, we as moms have this in common.

Tommy reading and wanting this new object (Freedom trailer) in his life is exciting for us!  He seems to really want to be engaged with us and not in his “own little world” as much.

So for you, it may not be a RV trailer.  It maybe something else that make your childs eyes “sparkle.”  But whatever it is that brings a smile to them makes us as parents want to stick a feather in our hat.  To say, at least today at this certain time, we accomplished something good!

Since parenting, let along Autism doesn’t come with any manuals.  You take pride in “good” things and “good” days.  Let’s support and encourage each other.  We deserve it!

God Bless you all – Talk soon!

Bye Bye Cakes!

Bye Bye Cakes!

Name The Rig

Name The Rig