
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Bye Bye Cakes!

Bye Bye Cakes!

Grateful - my therapy

I am so grateful for my part time cake business for the last 13 plus years. it was not only a business that helped us financially when Tommy was little, but I believe it provided me some personal therapy. An escape from Autism and all the changes in our lives that came with it.

Home bodies…

Tommy and I were normally at home because it was easier. Still is sometimes!! There were few places that Tommy functioned well or felt comfortable being there. Our church family was very supportive. Tommy attended children’s church up until this year. He had a wonderful teacher that thought the world of him. Even being “too big” for the class, the other children loved on him too. We always felt welcome at a few friends homes. Tommy was able to be himself. And lets not forget grandparents. They are all wonderful with him and have helped in keeping him and even became a summer school teacher for him. Still having fun but learning too. I believe that many summers he learned more than he did during the year. A big hug and thanks to them. I don’t know where we would be now without them:) I hope and pray that you have some sort of support system to help you.

So when we were at home, cakes were my hobby. But they turned out to be very fulfilling. I loved my brides through the years. I enjoyed being a part of their special days. There are several families that I have been able to stay in contact with and watch grow and start their own families.

Let’s Get out

God is really opening some doors for us. As we push forward getting Tommy out of the house! Hopefully what we are able to share here will help your family also. Just to know that there are welcoming places and faces out there.

Maybe even meet you one day! If there are places that you have considered or have wondered about, please send me an email. If we are able to give some insight on them, we will!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

God Bless -

Live And Learn With Experiences

Live And Learn With Experiences

