Life, Death, and Goodbyes
I recently lost a dear uncle. I have no way to know what Tommy understands about death. He has not attended many funerals or visitations. This one was out of town and as a family we wanted to make the visitation, so we set out on a much different adventure. Tommy was familiar with the location as he had made visits with his grandparents during the summers.
We walked through the church to the fellowship hall. Tommy lead the way saying “hello” to relatives they all welcomed him. After we ate and visited, we made our way back to the church. Tommy sat so still and quiet. He seemed to know the nature of our visit. He had a very sovereign spirit about him.
I have seen this reaction in him before when we were evacuating for Hurricane Harvey. We had to walk through high water. Strangers lifted him into a loud air boat. We caught a ride with more strangers to a staging area, where we remained in the heat outside in a line for four hours before loading a bus to Louisiana. God really shows up on time. He gave him the ability to get through that experience with little to no anxiety. God is good!
Our Street when we left:(
I was keeping my eye on him as I visited in the church, as I saw him make his way to the casket. Not knowing what he would do, Heath and I met him there. I gently wrapped my arms around his just in case he tried to grab or touch. To my amazement he looked at my uncle’s body and very sweetly said “goodbye” “see you soon” “goodbye” and waved as he walked away.
How pure. How genuine. I realize that Tommy tells everyone bye when he leaves, but how perfect of an example this was for us a Christians. This is really the way we should handle death. Easier said than done I know, but still. God gives us strength. He never puts on us more than we can handle. We have the ability to also say…. I love you. I know you’re in a better place. You will be missed greatly. It’s a goodbye for now, but I’ll see you soon!
Tommy has got it all figured out! A very touching day and experience we witnessed first-hand. Thanks for following along. This can be interpreted as simply a blog about a funeral, but hopefully it touches you in a way that you see much more than that!
God Bless -