
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Much different than the last...

Much different than the last...

Hurricane evacuation was upon us once again. We were more prepared, which made it less stressful!

If you read the Harvey evacuation blog then you remember us throwing items in a bag at the last minute and having to ride an air boat out of our flooded road. This time, we packed the “Freedom” and took it to safety a day early. It was a hard/quick drive to Palestine, Texas, but it was a good decision. As we watched and waited to see what damage Hurricane Laura would bring, Tommy just enjoyed an adventure!

We were in a familiar place and having the “Freedom” made it more fun and relaxing for him.

His adventure included: sun, cows, playing washers, throwing water balloons and feeding some donkeys in the pasture!

The scenery is beautiful and spending time with relatives was special. It brought a sense of calming to the worries of the storm.

Thankfully, our home was spared. We hated to hear that family member homes in DeQuincy, LA did not fair as well. Looking back at Hurricane Rita when my parents lost their home, my heart is heavy for them. Their lives were spared and we praise God for that and know that the home can be rebuilt.

I am reminded of scripture stating

Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, but rather in Heaven.

So many times we take for granite the blessings from the Lord. The love of family and friends… THAT is irreplaceable. I pray that as our country moves forward in these uncertain times that we cherish EVERY single day.

We have a purpose and God has a plan. His plan is perfect, although we will never fully understand everything. These special needs kiddos have a place here! They have a purpose!

“Red and Yellow, Black and White - they are precious in His sight!”

I thank God daily for Tommy and how he has made me grow and learn more about his “autistic world”.

God Bless -

Long awaited next adventure

Long awaited next adventure

"Oh My..."

"Oh My..."