
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

OFF To The Races!

OFF To The Races!

Tommy had a jammed packed weekend. Possibly too much sensory for him at one time.

We headed out Friday evening for Best Western in Edna, Texas. Late night travel and my eye sight don’t mix too well anymore. By the time we arrived, we were all exhausted. Not the best way to start an adventure! But, we all slept well and awoke to a new day of exploring.

Great RV Opportunity

We were told that Edna had a great RV park. So off we went to make our discoveries. What we found was the beautiful Texana Park and Campground. Their website is www.brackenridgepark.com Check it out, you will not be disappointed.


We took their park map and circled as we drove through the locations/site spots where we would love to park. I would like to also note that there were cabin rentals available. So although my only reviews for this park are visual for now it seems like a great destination. Lots of wildlife as well.

I have to admit, just driving through for Tommy was a little stressful. Which leads me to believe that he was “HANGRY” as I mentioned in “Live & Learn from experiences” blog. He did end up venturing out of the car and allowing me to take a few pictures but all in all he was not the happiest camper! LOL

Swim helped

As a break for Tommy, back to the hotel we went for some swimming. He did enjoy the pool and spa. The water was calming and relaxing for him.


Room time / movie time

Tommy was a happy boy, in the room with his Amazon Fire Tablet! I wanted him to have some down time, because little did he know we were off the the races in a few hours.

Dirt track here we come

Our purpose on this trip was spending time with some friends. Their boys race sprint cars and Heath has always been part of their pit crew. Tommy initially wanted to just sit in the race car trailer, where there was air conditioning and his snacks… I realize that he was the smart one!! LOL

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I did convince him to come outside and walk around. He slowly began to warm up to the event. Headphones and his hammer and wrench (for security) got him through. Although the cars had some mechanical issues, Tommy was still cheering them on when they came off the track. “Good job” he would say, making the boys feel good no matter what was going on!

Sunday Road Trip

The traffic and construction from Houston to Edna Friday night was just too much for pulling our trailer. Heath and I decided that if we wanted to visit Texana RV Park and Campground we would need a better route. Neither of us had been through Freeport, Texas so we decided to make that our Sunday adventure. Tommy, once again was nervous. I mentioned the beach, but all he could relay that to was a boat trip. A few years back we had visited some friends at the beach and they took us all out in their boat. Tommy really enjoyed it, until the end. We ended up sitting in the heat with him in his life jacket waiting to get boat loaded up and he was just “over it”!! LOL

With all this boat talk, I will mention a bigger problem we may have in December. We have booked a family cruise. So prayers will be greatly appreciated when the time comes!

RV parks / Ferry lines / Kemah

While driving we located two great RV resorts on the beach in Freeport. Surfside Beach RV Park and Blue Water RV resort. Check them out they both look very nice. I believe that the Blue Water resort also has cabin rentals, so you could meet up with friends and family for a great time.

Our continued plans were to ease into Galveston and grab a bite to eat. Tommy was familiar with this area and we knew he would be comfortable. We soon learned that the ferry wait time was over 90 minutes so we changed our plans once again and headed to Kemah.


The Boardwalk

Finally getting Tommy to understand that we were simply going to eat and then drive home, we chose The Flying Dutchman. Once again, there were no real good food options for him. We got him a Coke as a treat and he settled in and ate some french fries. Heath and I shared an appetizer and Shrimp platter which were both delicious! Tommy did clearly let us know that when he was finished, “tommy’s house” This was his request or maybe demand at this point! LOL

Were home!

Tommy was thrilled to return to his favorite place! He was a little wired and all he wanted to do was eat upon arriving. Safe and sound yet over stimulated, we did enjoy our time with friends and our road trip. Our “freedom” was definitely missed. It is a part of us now and we are looking forward to taking our next adventure with her in tow!

God Bless -

Fun... but HOT!

Fun... but HOT!

Those Darn Desires!

Those Darn Desires!