Vacation full of hormones!
You’re in for a ride on this one, or maybe it’s me that is in for a ride in the present and near future!!
Things are changing; Tommy is noticing things and reacting to things!! Proof that if we live life the way God intended it; the attraction between male and female is just natural…. Tommy is noticing girls now. He especially notices those in swimwear and or mannequins in lingerie.
Mom and I made a run to the local Kohl’s to find me a bathing suit top and exchange some shorts for Tommy. As we rounded the corner of the lingerie section, Tommy says “oo” to the mannequin wanting to touch it. I tried to steer him in another direction but not before I saw an older lady get a kick out of the situation!! We preceded to the back of the store to make the exchange and what is beside customer service? The swimsuit section! As I’m looking through tops on the back wall, mom is in the “return line” seeing tommy exploring the swimsuit mannequin! HELP ME!! lol
So here is my future…. Hormones!! LOL
“Swim in the river”
Our plans for vacation this year was to rent a house and float the Guadalupe River with some friends! Tommy knew from his calendar that the “trip to swim in the river” was coming and he was ready to go. If you say swim, water or beach he is on board!
We drove up to Canyon Lake – beautiful! The park was closing so our sightseeing was cut short but there was a plan to go back if we have the opportunity. Here is a time lapse video showing the drive back down River Road! This was the first time that Heath and I had been to New Braunfels and we were looking forward some relaxing time on the water!
Not knowing how Tommy would react to getting in a tube and floating the river, I was prepared to stay and play in the water by the house with him if I needed to. But… when one girl came out in her swimsuit, he followed! Wherever she went he was going. Now she is his sisters age but she is short making her Tommy’s height! I don’t know what his understanding of age is, but it seems that someone’s height is more of what he “sees”!!
We are a family of “huggers.” We hug when we arrive and hug when we leave! Tommy is thankfully a loving child. He thinks nothing of whom he hugs; he is just going through the motions and showing affection. With this new fondness of girls, he just thinks he can hug anyone… So now we have moved to the “Tommy, no touch” reminders for him when the situation arises!
By now, you know that he always has his toy animals in his hands. His security! Heath and I were still not convinced that he was going to float. Heath told him, “You’re going to have to do something with those toys.” To our amazement, he immediately surrendered the toys to me.
Well, I guess he is going!! LOL With almost no hesitation, he flopped down in the tube we tied together and away we went!
I think he enjoyed the float, even though he was sitting in one place not knowing what was coming up around the next turn! He did learn the art of “butts up” to lift himself above the rocks and keep floating.
We stopped once for a snack/lunch and by the time it was over he was ready to go to the truck and back to the house!
The next morning I asked Tommy, “Are we were going float today?” He said, “No water! Stay right here!” Even when the swim suits came out he was not falling for that again!! The rest of our group floated and he and I stayed back. We played some games and I did some writing!!
The following day we drove back to Canyon Lake, but the park was full.
We settled for just playing in the “chute” by the house! Every afternoon we would be there helping people that were floating as they would get hung up on the rocks. They were losing their speakers, ice chest and condiments within! The floaters enjoyed being sprayed and cooled off with our water guns! There was even some “fun” retaliation from previous day floaters bringing their own water guns and spraying back at us! As Tommy played and watched the comradery, he began to join in and squirt us too!
He got the biggest kick of drenching me! Sorry but there are no pictures of that!! LOL
We continue to explore and learn new things on our adventures! This time with great friends who are really more like family! Summer is here and I hope that you and your family have the opportunity to take some time and enjoy something together. It does not have to be a big vacation to have a great time. Being together is an adventure all by itself.
“Like a spring of pure water, God’s peace in our hearts brings cleansing and refreshment to our minds and bodies.”
God bless -