
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air!

There are several ways to crop an image so that you see only the “good stuff.” But when you zoom out you may see things in a different way. Just as life and the way we perceive things. I can tell you about and show you only the “good” days in the life of Tommy. But if I zoom out to a week instead of a moment, you may see more of the reality. Don’t misunderstand; I blog about a lot of hard things but just like the image I titled with, this was just a portion of the flower and what’s going on around it.

Photo Mar 29, 6 35 33 PM.jpg

So lets look a little deeper… Spring is here and not only are the flowers blooming, so is life. We had a wren building a nest in the base of this flower. We were able to watch this very closely as it is hanging just outside the window. I would take pictures of the progress to show Tommy and we would watch from inside just so he knew not to disturb the nest! Soon we had eggs, then the chirping and feeding. Lastly the babies got their flying lessons and now they have blossomed and left the nest.

Boy, all of the analogies that could go with this “life” lesson!

Enjoy these pictures, they are zoomed in from the above hanging basket! With this perspective, you only see what is happening on the inside of this flower. As you “see” people and what is going on in one part of their life, remember to step back and get a perspective of the whole picture!

A beautiful day for a drive

We have a jeep and on beautiful sunny days, Heath and I like to remove the hard top and doors and enjoy a drive! On this Saturday morning, we did just that… Now Tommy is a little nervous when we start this process, mainly because we do not have a plan or destination that we have prepared him for. He is also not too thrilled riding with the doors off so in hopes of keeping him calm and comfortable we left the back doors on!

Our travels took us on this day down to Sea Rim State Park. Tommy has a keen since of direction. As we turn down through the refineries from Hwy 73 to Hwy 87, Tommy calls out from the back, “go to the beach?” I do not know how he does it… maybe he can smell the salt water!! LOL

This reminds me of when Tommy was very young and we were taking him to Houston for hyperbaric treatments. One of my brothers lives in Houston. When we left the facility in a part of Houston that we were unfamiliar with, Tommy basically told me how to get to his house (not having been that way before). It is truly amazing and sometimes crazy how he does this! I guess I should worry less about him getting lost!!

Heath and I had not been to Sea Rim but we heard that they had some RV spots and beach access. It was very clean and a reasonable cost to access the beach even on a “day pass.” The beach and water itself is a lot like Crystal Beach at Bolivar Peninsula but one-third of the crowd! We all took a stroll and Tommy enjoyed the water!

Get out with your family and enjoy this big beautiful world together.

God Bless -

Vacation full of hormones!

Vacation full of hormones!

Long awaited next adventure

Long awaited next adventure