
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Walking knee deep in ankle deep water!

Walking knee deep in ankle deep water!

Quarantine - just a little humor!

A few weeks into the worlds COVID-19 quarantine, we needed a little break! Heath has some relatives in Old Salem area, we thought it would be secluded enough not to get in trouble for being out of the house and maybe we could ride on the property and shoot our pistols for practice and fun.

Our day was beautiful, but the past weeks they had a lot of rain and the lakes/creeks/ponds around the property were out of their banks, but we rode a little none the less.

Now let me just say that Tommy is not a real fan of the side by side. Mainly because he never knows where we will be going and its just loud! I was able to coax him into riding and asked Heath, lets not do anything to scare him, so that he will continue to be willing to ride! As we rode through some waters, it wasn’t deep just splashing around… Those of you that know me… I am not a dare devil - I don’t like riding 4 wheeler’s, I don’t like muddy roads in a car or an ATV. I don’t really even care for tall bridges especially if they have a curve or something in the air… With that being said - Maybe I should have told Heath, don’t take ME anywhere that will scare me!! LOL

We keep driving and the water is getting higher and higher, I am trying to stay calm so that Tommy doesn’t sense my anxiety. I ask Heath, “isn’t this a little more than what you were expecting”? typical man, its fine! Meanwhile, I can see dry land/the road ahead and I am doing nothing but looking at it and hoping we get to it, when we find ourselves in a deep rut/hole, yes on my side!!

Well it turns out, I guess I missed ATV 101 class that I was supposed to be watching the road where we were to make sure I could still see it - “yeah right”!! and now we were having to WADE out of our predicament. I am the last one out of the ATV. Heath tells me its only ankle deep as it was up to his knees not to mention my seat!! Tommy bails out in this cold water as if he was gonna go for a swim, he was so calm and I was the one needing his calming drops!! LOL I explain to Heath that there are snakes in this water and of course he says “nah, there aren’t any… a few steps forward and he hollers for Tommy and I to wait a minute. Why, you wonder… Cause there is a snake swimming ahead… OMG really!

Lucky for us and humiliating for him, he had to call his uncle to bring the tractor to our rescue!! At least It was my turn to laugh:) So enjoy the pictures of our fun quarantine trip. Heath had a blast, Tommy was a trooper. He didn’t seem bothered and even tried to help direct the tractor and me, I was just wet!! LOL

When Dinosaurs get sick :(

When Dinosaurs get sick :(

Making the grocery list

Making the grocery list