
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

A Backlog of Adventures

A Backlog of Adventures

It seems that the last couple of years have put my blogs on a back burner.

Although we are still getting Tommy out on adventures, we have experienced some new struggles or setbacks that we are trying to push through.

Tommy is now 18 and has grown in strength and height. Well, he has always been stronger than he realized but we are the to point now that he could take me if he wanted to! LOL Thankfully, I still have my bluff in on him.

We recently reached out to his pediatrician for assistance with anger outburst. Like most teens he does not like to be told what to do or mainly he does not like to be told NO! With his lack of understanding everything, it is hard to explain why the answer could be no, therefore he just has a meltdown. Sometimes they tend to be worse than other times, not really sure why or what heightens them to this level. He can make the meanest faces, growl and scream and just get himself so worked up and on occasion try and hit the person giving the direction or himself.

It is truly heartbreaking to watch and hard to stick with it but eventually he does feel remorse. It was just getting harder to “talk him down” or hard for him to actually “calm down”.

I am not 100% sure he is on the perfect medication, but it is a low dose, and we are managing for now. The outbursts have been fewer so that is helpful. I hate that we had to look to medicine, but we want what’s best for him and if it keeps his frustration down then we will continue to go on this adventure.

With all of that said, I have some great adventures to share with you. Hoping to still bring a laugh a smile or a cry to you the reader as you hear about our Travels, Autism issues and our Purpose.

Please continue to follow along and share with others you think may benefit from our adventures.

- God Bless!

Let's get measured

Let's get measured

"Christmas, December Twenty-Five!"

"Christmas, December Twenty-Five!"