
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

A Friend and Partner

A Friend and Partner

Tommy is generally pretty “to himself.” Sometimes special people come along and make their way into his world. He begins to know their name and even seek them out on occasion.

When the connection is made it is normally the situation surrounding it that becomes the “memory/association” for him. For instance, when we visit someone’s home, wherever he first goes and sits to watch his iPad is where he will continue to go and sit the next time that we are there. Or even sitting at church. He has a specific pew where he sits every Sunday and embarrassing enough for me and his dad, he has even told people to “move please” out of his seat… SMH! At least he has good manners, right?! LOL

This same memory works with the people themselves that interact with him. We have dear family friends that he associates the car racing that his dad does with. He knows and will say their names but then follow it with “race cars” as if that is their last name!

Our church has an annual dinner on the grounds fellowship and egg hunt for the children following our Easter morning service. Tommy still believes that he is one of the children and loves to participate! I told our pastor that he may be the only 30-year-old out there one day, still finding easter eggs with the littles!

The first hunt that Tommy was involved with was 2023. A genuine soul and now cousin offered to help him hunt the eggs. He took right to her and followed her instructions. They collected an overflowing basket full of eggs. Tommy told her thank you and gave her a hug. She instantly became one of his “memories!”

Tommy enjoys seeking her out now. Even HOLLERING across the church just to say hello… Sweet Boy!

Easter 2024

It was time for our fellowship again. Tommy pulled from his memory bank and was happy to seek out his friend and partner again to hunt for more eggs. His basket was full, and my heart was full watching them collect, smile and laugh together! We are so thankful for friends and family in Tommy’s life.

God commands us in John 15: 12-13 to love each other as he loved us. “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Jesus did just that with his death on the cross. But his resurrection is why we celebrate Easter. I pray in the fun times and events even the traditions that you have for Easter, that you center them around the cross. He who showed us to love one another and bring joy to each other.

-God Bless

Ring Guard Duties!

Ring Guard Duties!