
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

A Tale of Two Carols!

A Tale of Two Carols!

Two years ago, we took Tommy Christmas Caroling with our church family. Even though he was uncertain of what we were doing, he was satisfied to be with us in our matching “green church shirt” as he calls them on a bus ride! Everything else would just go with the flow.

We made several stops, and he was a trooper. Standing with us while we would sing and just taking it all in.

Fast forward to 2024 this past weekend! Tommy was thrilled to put on his shirt and load up on the bus! He knew what to expect this time. Heath had mentioned maybe dressing up like cowboy Santa and I remembered that Tommy had a Santa beard that he had worn to school the last year that he attended. I dug around in the Christmas decor and found it. I forgot it had a hat attached so it would not fit under a cowboy hat for Heath. I decided to show it to Tommy again and he wanted to wear it! I put on a headband that had a Santa hat and off we went to meet at the church! We had a bit of a carpool to each location, but we rode the bus and this was our crew!

Pastor welcomed Tommy up front and introduced him as our “Santa” and from then on, he thought that was his place! He enjoyed that everyone could see him all dressed as Santa. Then with the next stop he warmed up more with some dancing and directing. It was mentioned to me that how good he was doing, and that at each location he was embracing his “role” my reply was “yes, and that makes me really worried about the last stop!!” LOL

My “feels” were all on edge as with each stop as Tommy was blossoming, and I did not want this to turn into the “Tommy show.” We were there to bring joy to those who may not be able to get out to services anymore! I have to take a step back and realize that even though Tommy seems silly to me at times that to those receiving this visit and love through caroling really enjoyed our Santa!

The last song in our lineup was “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” Now I have to be honest, I did not realize that Tommy knew this song! Pastor realized it and began to prepare Tommy for him to actually lead us in singing this song. He would clear his throat and hold up his directing arms and begin as we all joined him. The first time was really touching for this mom. Tears of joy for my boy!

One of our later stops was to Tommy’s grandmother’s home. She came outside as we caroled, and Tommy was standing up front doing his part. We completed the last song and in a moment of silence, Tommy snatched off his hat and beard and looked directly at her saying, “Tommy” and pointing at himself as he had been in disguise the entire time!!! He is such a ham; everyone broke into laughter!

As we continued to our last home, I leave you with Tommy directing us. Our boy truly loves Christmas and his adventures. Each one different and unique.

I am blessed and privileged to know that Jesus is the reason we celebrate Christmas. Through the eyes of a child the lights are really sparkly. I am also privileged to have an adult child whose eyes continue to sparkle a little longer than most and watching him bring joy to others in his own special way makes my heart happy!

From our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Enjoy and God Bless -



Christmas Coming...

Christmas Coming...