We wanted to beat the weather that was approaching on our last adventure home and decided to travel on Saturday. We managed to get home and do some much needed preparation for the cold weather at the house. Wrapped pipes, put the light back on the water well and a few other odds and ends!
I love decorating the campsite with lights as you have seen in previous posts, but following several youtubers as we do, we stumbled upon some under belly LED lights that put on a show!! Heath agreed that I did need them!! LOL With time to spare in our Saturday we preceded to “bedazzle” the 5th wheel:) Little did I know that this involved me under the entire length of the trailer. I would have never imagined that I would be there, but I rolled and placed the light strand from front to back, I even fit under the axel… I can’t wait to show you our light show from wherever our next adventure takes us! Which I believe will be a beautiful wedding in April, so exciting!
I’m hungry mother!
The best line from the 101 Dalmatians movie that Tommy quotes is, “I’m hungry mother!” Now I think this child could survive for several days without eating, based on the fact that he eats out of habit, boredom or schedule. And how do I fix this you ask??? I have NO IDEA… I have done my best to regulate portions, but he eats so few things it really is a challenge. He has an internal clock that tells him he should be eating at 11 then sometimes 5. He will just look at the clock (digital of course!) and if one of these times, just holler out the time to me and look for food… Even in the afternoon, if I have run a few errands before arriving home and he sees that it is 5 o’clock on the radio in the car… He is on me!! LOL
The best though is his nightly routine because no night Is complete without “7 O’CLOCK… POPCORN!” Some of his worst outburst or anger moments involve food or me controlling his food snacks and portions…
Tommy was thrilled to be treated to his favorite dinner tonight! Chips and Cheese!! Then we surprised him with a movie to see “Mufasa”. I tried to explain what we were doing and just decided to show him the movie trailer as we ate dinner. He showed some interest, so we continued with our plans.
As a little back story, the very first time we tried to take Tommy to see a movie years ago, I don’t even remember what the movie was, we did not even make it inside. Tommy was so full of nerves he just threw up in the parking lot :(
Its not worth pushing someone when they are in this stage so we just got back in the car and returned home!
Thankfully we are passed that stage of nerves, but he was still a little uneasy as they began to bring down the lights and begin all of the previews… He patiently watched and waited through the first few previews, then would look at me and just say, “Lion?” I would reassure him that it was coming… He would wait through a few more and then do the same… “Lion?” This was an early show so not many people in the theatre, which is the way we like it when trying something new or re-trying something with Tommy. But several chuckled as they were in agreement with Tommy in the enough is enough, let’s get on with the show! LOL
As the show began, he was mesmerized, but honestly it was a little slow and he began to yawn and stretch at about the halfway point, and Heath and I began to get concerned that we would not get through this movie!! As we reached the ending of the movie, he had regained his interest and told us how much he liked it when we were leaving… Now he could have just been glad we were leaving, but I think he did end up enjoying this new experience!! “Thank you mom and dad,” as we left was the best thing to hear! Continuing to get this boy out an enjoying this big world one adventure at a time!
-God Bless