
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Baby Kahlyn?

Baby Kahlyn?

A few months ago, we were told of a blessing coming to our family in June 2021.  Chris and Kahlyn were thrilled to make this announcement, but Kahlyn even more excited to show Tommy the ultrasound picture!  Although at the time he was just repeating “baby” when he would see Kahlyn.  As she is growing he looks forward to seeing her and touching her belly!  Even if it is on FaceTime, his first words to her are “Baby Kahlyn?”

It is so sweet from a mother’s view watching their bond grow even closer.  Tommy from his arrival has always known when Kahlyn was around.  She was nine years old and wanted a sister!  Thankfully she was satisfied in knowing that Tommy; even though a boy, would not be born before her birthday.  He came three days later!!  Nine years and three days to be exact, but she only cared about the “three days!”

Kahlyn is very protective of her family, especially Tommy.  Don’t talk about him or disapprove of him in any situation, she will get you! As Tommy grew older, he would just light up when Kahlyn walked in to the room.  It is evident in these photos of them through the years! 

Tommy may not understand that this new baby boy will be his nephew but I do believe that they will be best buddies!

Families suffer losses and blossom at the same time.  With the passing of my Dad, Chris and Kahlyn decided to pass along his name to Reagan.  We will have a Reagan Edward.  What a special way to keep his memory in our lives with this new bundle of joy.

Tommy is learning that “Baby Kahlyn” is actually “Baby Reagan”.  He is saying his name rather well too!  I can’t wait to see his reaction when Regan arrives.  Oh the new stories we will have.

More to follow!

God Bless –

Drums and Jesus!

Drums and Jesus!

PePaw's Flowers

PePaw's Flowers