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High School - Count down to Christmas!

High School - Count down to Christmas!

Still having such a hard time processing that Tommy is going to High School this year! A “freshman”! How did this happen? LOL I know that I am preaching to the choir and I have been told all my life, but it is truly unbelievable how fast time flies. Both the kids were just babies yesterday!

With the start of school approaching, Heath and I had to make a decision on how Tommy would attend school, due to the Coronavirus. We decided to do virtual online learning this first six weeks to see if covid cases progressed and caused other school setbacks and also what the school campus restrictions would be. Our plan is to return Tommy to school at the start of the second six weeks if all is good! It is still heart breaking that he can not come home and tell me how his day was or what is happening, so I will see what I hear from others and make the best decision. I have already started with the school preparations on his calendar. Marking when he will attend speech and when he would return to school.

The unknowns are what tends to get Tommy and quite frankly, me too! The rumors of no recess and or breaks, possibly no PE and wearing masks all day, I was just unsure how he would do with all these “new” things at one time. I just didn’t want to start this new school, new teacher off on the wrong foot. First impressions still mean a lot to me, special needs and all…

I had made contact with speech therapist and teacher and was granted some time to tour the campus with Tommy just so that he would know what to expect and to ensure that he new he would not be returning to Junior High Campus. Visuals work wonderfully with him. Here we are awaiting our tour!

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Our tour went great! Tommy got to meet most all the staff that he will be interacting with and he actually seemed to enjoy his visit. He even danced for the Drama teacher - there is always time for a little dancing!! LOL He was very sure to tell everyone he met that there were “four months till Christmas!” They all laughed and agreed with him. I am sure that he feels that he has set them all straight from the get go and that the count down to Christmas is on! He is always happy to talk about Christmas and YES, it is marked on his calendar!

I am anxious to see how his year will go. As always we are praying for all students and staff but especially for my little guy and his smooth transition. After all this has been a long “spring break” for everyone!

The first part of his online learning has been a lot of assessments. Getting a feel for where he is and where to begin. I am super grateful for all the help from his teacher to make things start well.

Unfortunately for Tommy, “falling through the cracks” in our public school system would be an understatement. He was “dropped through the cracks” since leaving elementary, but I have a great feeling that a “new day” has come and we will see great things!

Starting off positive and with a thankful heart. Best wishes on your school endeavors this year. Whether you are a student, teacher, principal, parent, grandparent or caregiver. I pray that you will find the good in all of our world’s current uncertainties. Be thankful for the small things.

Be safe and God Bless -

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