
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

New Home Adventures

New Home Adventures

Chris and Kahlyn have embarked on a new adventure themselves.  They have purchased their first home.  The Lord is continuing to bless them.  We are so proud of them and for them!

With this transition there was a week of “no home” for them.  They had to be out of the apartment one weekend but could not move into the house until the next weekend…

Thankfully we had the “Freedom.”  They lived in it for the week in our driveway!  We were all happy to have them there but for those of you that have followed how all of our adventures first began; the happiest of all of us was Tommy!  I have to admit the thought of what would happen at the end of the week when it was time for them to leave, weighed heavy on my heart.  I remembered how hard it was for Tommy just a few months prior when Kahlyn married.  A few of the nights as they departed after dinner he was tearful but when the real move out day arrived, he did fairly well.  Of course he went to their home and he knows that’s where they are!

As they continue their new adventures together I know they will continue to make time for Tommy and include him.  The bond of love between this brother towards his sister is unbreakable.

Congratulations to them and God Bless –

Dealing with Behavior

Dealing with Behavior

Pumpkin Carving, First Of The Season

Pumpkin Carving, First Of The Season