
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

School... Beginning And Ending!

School... Beginning And Ending!

8th Grade - Here we come!

We had “JumpStart” registration at Junior High this past week! Tommy has a very precise internal clock and I believe that he knew summer was coming to an end. During the school year I keep a weekly calendar on his wall to help him know what day it is, that he is going to school and who will be picking him up. I believe that even this little bit of structure helps. He is in control of moving the “today” marker and enjoys keeping it up. With all that said - He really did great going to the school and going through the motions of registration. It seems that everyone on the campus knows him and takes the time to talk (say hi) to him, which warms my heart.

Praying for a good year

I feel that some of Tommy’s accomplishments this summer will help him this year. The “Life Skills” classes can be chaotic due to the number of children and the number of aides provided to the teacher as well as all the different needs that are in one classroom. I am praying for a good year. Tommy is such a sweet boy. But as any child, he will pick up and learn behaviors that he sees. So I hope we don’t end up with any additional behavior issues that always seem to come with a new year. My goal is to have him in a “home school” setting for his high school years. Continued prayer and Gods guidance will lead us in the direction that we are to go. Tommy is our priority!

Photo Aug 17, 4 28 58 PM.png

There was a little disappointment that his teacher was not in the room. She had just left for lunch, as students were coming at all times of the day. I did text her and let her know that she was missed. I was anxious to tell her about all the progress we had made through the summer with Tommy and his bathroom issues. But there will be time for that soon. He officially starts on Monday!

As we start him in a new year, our daughter has graduated college this week… I still cant believe that we have a young adult, married, college graduate :)

She did it!

It has only been a short time that we have been pushing Tommy. Getting him out of his comfort zone has made him accept all of the places that we are going with nearly no hesitation. Kahlyn’s graduation ceremony was wonderful and the students really deserved it. It was also a long ceremony for as few of students that graduated. I gave Tommy my phone and some earbuds to help pass the time for him. I was super proud of his behavior all night! Along with that internal clock, he also senses when we are doing something of importance. Which just amazes me!

Congratulations to Kahlyn! The Lord has blessed her. He has also blessed us with the opportunity and responsibility of being her parents. We know that He has much in store for her and Chris in their future!

Thank you to Baptist Hospital School of Radiology for your teaching and pushing these students in order for them to achieve much!

God Bless -

At Their Mercy?

At Their Mercy?

Kindred Spirits

Kindred Spirits