
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Showing Appreciation!

Showing Appreciation!

Who knew; I surely didn’t, that Tommy would have such an admiration for girls? His favorite things have always been animals and unfortunately, even those are kissing now :(

I realize that he is a boy, but I guess I just wasn’t prepared for this stage of his life to be so “normal”!

These past few years since his reading has improved and his spelling has improved right along with it, I had to put MANY more restrictions on his iPad. Even monitoring when he has mine or Heath’s cell phones is more difficult. When you begin to type on YouTube, the results can be shocking. Just when you think that you have blocked what you would feel would be inappropriate, these “GENIUSES” type just enough to find what they don’t need to see…

Who do we really appreciate?

Pastor Appreciation Sunday was approaching. Although Tommy does not attend Sunday school or Wednesday night children/youth classes, the teachers still include him with papers or activities that I can help him with at home. For this special day the teacher was compiling a book containing color sheets along with some questions and answers the children gave regarding their pastor. For those that know, the best information comes from children when you put them in this type of setting! Kind of like taking their prayer request… They tell all they know about EVERYTHING THEY KNOW! This can leave the teachers praying for things even the parents are not aware of!! LOL

I was given a few color sheet options for Tommy, and I presented them to him. You will see his choice below! I tried my best to explain that this was for our pastor, and I called him by name and showed Tommy a picture of him and his family to make everything tie together for him. I left him working on this when I hear him call for me. As I see what he needs, he begins to ask me how to spell a girl’s name. Now this was not just any girl, but it was the one from the picture… The pastor’s daughter! It is no secret that he is sweet on her; therefore, I do my best to downplay this, but it is getting harder to always be in the right place at the right time. He says that they are friends, and he is always wanting to hug her and give her a wink!

As much as I believe that he loves and appreciates his pastor, he definitely makes it evident that he appreciates and loves his daughter!

Adult like

Tommy becoming an adult has brought and abundance of new challenges for our family. I feel like we are trying to always be “on guard.” In life, the worst thoughts are generally the ones that we sit around waiting to happen to us. For Heath and I that would be Tommy doing something that would offend someone or be taken the wrong way, especially by another parent that did not understand. Just like a child in the school system being “labeled” this remains in their file until graduation. Charges being filed against your special needs child would tarnish them for the rest of their life. My moments in my blogs where I have talked about his hormones and our adventures; although funny with friends, can and could have ended very differently. This is why Heath and I always try to be in eyesight of our Tommy boy just for safety!

Providing for me…

As I am writing, seeking the ending of this blog, I am reminded of this scripture.

Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with your wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

I only had my phone with me, so I Googled the scripture and just clicked on the first link… How was I to know that the link I clicked on would take me to someone of like-minded faith and experiences? The link was “25 uplifting bible verses for parents of children with special needs.”

Isn’t that just like God! Always providing for me!

-God Bless

Ring Guard Duties!

Ring Guard Duties!

Let's get measured

Let's get measured