
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Smell it and Pop it in!!

Smell it and Pop it in!!

Lots of new things going on in our lives now.  Life changing events.  They are filled with emotions.  Figuring out how to do what’s best can be good, scary, overwhelming all at the same time. 

Heath’s dad; who lives with us, has just under gown a surgery due to health issues and is going to be needing more care.  Kahlyn is a month away from delivering our first grandchild and Tommy; well, he is trying new things! 

Kahlyn’s baby shower was this last Saturday.  She was blessed with love and gifts for her and Chris and their new little family.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude! 

Tommy is a momma and daddy’s kid.  He pretty much goes everywhere with us and the baby shower was no different.  Kahlyn wanted “Pappy” (Heath) to be there as well so the guys hung together! 

Keep in mind our Tommy is an extremely picky eater.  Today that changed as the cake was being served.  He proceeded to make his way to the table asked for cake, returned to his seat and gobbled it up!  Now this is just something that does not happen…  I made cakes for 20 plus years and the only thing he would eat was the buttercream icing.  And that was only if it was white.  He must have known the taste would change with the tinting of color and he would never even try it. 

Heath approached me and began to tell me that Tommy had just helped himself to cake and I was stunned.  I absolutely love that he decided to try something new.  I wish it would have been something besides a sweet but it’s a step in the right direction. 

After my grocery store run this week, I picked up some white chocolate bitesize Oreos!  Now, for me they are heaven!  Tommy recognized the OREO logo and grabbed the bag from me.  Reached in and got one to “smell.”  Must have passed the test, because he just opened his mouth and “popped it in!”  Once again to my disbelief, he ate it and went on about his business.

I hope that you are not reading this thinking, I can not believe that she is blogging about an OREO and a piece of cake.  But those familiar with an autistic child, this is a BIG DEAL!  As explained in many past blogs, we are ecstatic with the smallest of things.  Any changes and accomplishments, we hold close to our heart!  We remember “the event” and look forward to the next new thing.

It seems that in the world today, everyone is going through something!  They may be hurting, grieving or patiently praying for the Lord to hear them and ease their situation.  Maybe they just need HIM to provide a direction or even show them how to take their next step.  See them, pray for them and encourage them.  And above all, rejoice with them in the small things! 

My dad sang a song beautifully, “The Anchor Holds.”  Your clouds can be grey, waters can be rough and high but we can Anchor to God and he will bring us through and calm those storms!

God Bless –

"Christmas, December Twenty-Five!"

"Christmas, December Twenty-Five!"

Drums and Jesus!

Drums and Jesus!