
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Beautiful Birth

Beautiful Birth

Well, just where do I begin? 


I was Born, I have given Birth (twice) and now I have witnessed and supported a Birth!  What a completely different and wonderful experience that was…  I am so thankful for God’s perfect plan.

So that’s me, but this is not about me!  You know of my children and of their special bond.  From every touch to her belly and every word he spoke to him in there, I see as Tommy holds this child his eyes just beam of love and care! 

Tommy can and does show frustration and aggravation in loud growling noises.  He can throw and holler with the best of them, but he also senses when to be gentle, sweet and loving.

The first initial meeting from Kahlyn’s belly to Reagan in his new home, Tommy had it figured out!  Pure delight – Enjoy!

In Chris & Kahlyn’s cautiousness with their newborn, Tommy understands that he cleans his hands and puts on a face mask to make his request to hold Reagan.  His first initial hold was short but priceless!  As Reagan squirmed a little, Tommy told him “Shh, it’s okay, calm down!” 

Did I mention priceless? Listen closely as Tommy responds!

As I think about the Lord’s instructions to us to be fruitful and multiply.  With that comes such a responsibility of being a parent.  For children/adults like Tommy that may never have that opportunity, what is their instruction and responsibility?  The birth of this nephew for Tommy will be an opening to a whole new world.  I believe he may find a new purpose.  I believe that he will experience a new kind of love.  We may and probably will never know exactly how he feels, but through his eyes and expressions it will show.

Thank you Lord for the new opportunities and experiences that you provide for Tommy every day! I pray that he learns and grows with this newborn and they teach each other many things.

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!

Tommy's purpose!

Tommy's purpose!