
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!

New and exciting times I believe are in store for us!  We have decided to continue Tommy’s education though homeschooling.  Without exaggeration, Tommy has excelled through his grandmothers summer school this year.  With little frustration he is willing to sit down for school work several times a day and once he gets started he is likely to continue longer than originally planned.  We are blessed; Tommy is blessed, with this opportunity!

We have discussed plans and goals for him, not limited to only Reading, Math and other required teachings; but also Bible stories and memory verses, the ones we all learn as children.  The simple stories of faith, hope and love that foundations are built upon.


My focus for Tommy is to give him the proper skills to help him excel in life. It is important that we prepare him with a future now and for when Heath and I have passed. 

“Life Skills”

Tommy is very observant and misses nothing! Show him once and he will no longer need much help. He watches and learns on his own and other things he has to be taught.  I am careful in the kitchen and have to watch because if he wants macaroni or tea, he will make it!  He fills the pot with water, places it on the stove and turns on the burner.  He will put in the tea bags and fill the pitcher with the correct amount of sugar!  All of this he does well, but has been taught to wait and let someone help him when the tea is ready and hot!  And popcorn, let’s just say, if you try and help him or try and change the way he wants to do it, he will just walk off and WILL NOT EAT IT.  Did I mention independent!!  LOL

With that being said, part of his schooling has been and will continue to be cooking, exercise, projects and small chores. Some of which he has always done and others that are new! He has been feeding the animals, helping with groceries and even vacuuming to name a few! 

For those of you that follow on Facebook and Instagram you may have already seen some of his cooking masterpieces, but here are some photos for anyone new to the blog.  Now, one thing about all this cooking…  You will lose him if you expect him to eat any of it!!  LOL

I know that this would be extremely hard for some families but I do hope and pray that there are some small opportunities for you to do something with your child that is enjoyable. It may not be Reading, Writing and Arithmetic but it could be a craft, cutting pictures out of catalogs (I am showing my age now!), or taking them for a swing in the park.  It does not have to be big, just quality time.  Among the many frustrations that come along with Autism; School, Behavior, Siblings, Hormones, Mood swings, the list could go on forever.  Maybe you can all have just a small break and throw in a life skill or something new and fun that will bring them out of a shell or prepare them for their future.

I covet your prayers for our new venture and continually I pray for you on your adventures!

God Bless –

New Purpose Unfolding

New Purpose Unfolding

Beautiful Birth

Beautiful Birth