
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

New Purpose Unfolding

New Purpose Unfolding

I believe that God brings people into our life for a reason.  Being in the right place at the right time is more than just an accident or a coincidence.  Family members we are born to love.  We make friends when we are young and some of them become life-long friends.  I often had to encourage and remind my daughter in her school years that people also come into our life for a season; maybe to learn something from them or teach something to them.  But sometimes complete strangers can be ordained by God to meet because of His perfect timing.

For instance, those of you that know our family remember the near drowning incident we had with our daughter in 2006.  Months prior to this incident we met a great family through our daughters’ friendship.  How could we have known that this dad would eventually help in saving Kahlyn’s life?  Our meeting them was no accident!

This past week, the meeting of some great people happened again! I cant wait to share more about the things unfolding! We have a passion through Tommy to increase autism awareness! When God opens doors we walk through them with a prayerful and grateful heart.

Tommy is so full of life and we are so thankful to see him now and to know how much he has grown in the few short years that we have been enjoying our FREEDOM!

The Freedom Express camper & the Freedom of getting out and sharing our experiences!


If you come in contact with someone that you think could benefit from Tommy and his experiences, I humbly ask that you share what you know about him!  God is in control and He may have brought them to you so that you could share this source of hope, understanding, laughter and even a tear or two!

God Bless -

Singing, On purpose!

Singing, On purpose!

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!

A School Venture, Possibly an Adventure!