
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Reading John 3:16

Reading John 3:16

We are blessed with a church family that loves Tommy! They will never fully understand how their compassion and love for our son warms and relaxes our hearts.

God truly directs our paths when we allow Him to. He will place you exactly where you need to be. This may be to help and encourage others that you didn’t know needed help and encouragement. And to also receive and be blessed with help and encouragement yourself.

My mother has continued to work with Tommy as his home-school teacher. I had asked her to include the bible and stories into his daily activities. After all, life skills are Tommy’s current needs and what is more important in this life than Jesus? I’ve been told by previous therapist and teachers alike that Tommy would learn to read by learning sight words, not really sounding out letters. She took this thought and came up with some note cards. She made them one to two words each of a bible verse. He learned each word, then learned to put the note cards in order and eventually read and memorize the bible verse. It was a diligent and repetitive process, but this is what works for him. I was so proud of him; I shared a text and video with our pastor to show how he was growing and learning about Jesus.

The church recently started services entitled “Fifth Sunday Singing". This is a service where anyone that has a talent the Lord had given them can share that gift! In the coming months he reached out to me and asked if I thought Tommy would do his memory verse at the next FSS Service for the congregation. He did such a great job and I have shared a video below for your enjoyment.

I know that I have mentioned in the past finding support. Whether it is family, friends, a church or other special needs organizations. These opportunities will allow your child to be themselves and grow and most importantly be accepted! A sincere thanks again to our church family for loving on our Tommy Boy as we do!

- God Bless

A few of my favorite things!

A few of my favorite things!

A Fog...  Remembering our Hero's

A Fog... Remembering our Hero's