
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

A Fog...  Remembering our Hero's

A Fog... Remembering our Hero's

It seemed that all of 2021 was just that, a fog.  One of my last blog posts was about the loss of my father.  That was really hard but in November we also lost Heath’s father.  These two went on to meet our heavenly father.  What a meeting that was for both of them individually I am sure and what a reunion it was as well.

Heaven has always been real but when the loss is this close to home, Heaven becomes even more real.  Thinking of their new heavenly bodies and no more pain or sickness…  I am rejoicing with them. 

There is not a truer statement than God is right on time.  His timing was perfect with this bundle of joy we have with Reagan.  The timing was perfect for his parents and for his grandparents. 

As Memorial Day approached, it seemed only fitting to remember our hero’s, especially our fathers! Thank you to all that served and are serving our country. IN GOD WE TRUST…

The Backbone of a Father!

Fathers are profound.  Supportive, standing in the background as our backbone.  Having a heavenly father to watch over us love and care for us is the best gift here on this earth.  As we go through life’s trials, ups and downs we often feel that there are NO ANSWERS, but with God we can rest and know that there is always assurance.  Assurance that He is in control, He has a plan and He will provide and take care of our needs.  If you are reading this and don’t have this assurance, I pray that you would reach out to someone that can share the love of God with you.  This last year was very difficult and it still is but God has seen our family through and will continue to provide us with the peace we need to continue our journey until we see them again!

In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.   Proverbs 3:5-6


Much Love –

Reading John 3:16

Reading John 3:16

Singing, On purpose!

Singing, On purpose!