
Looking forward to connecting with you. The reader, mother or father, the traveler. Hope I learn a lot along the way through our travels that inspires or help guide you in yours.

Adventure, Webster's Definition

Adventure, Webster's Definition

“Adventure” – Webster defines Adventure as an undertaking, usually involving danger and unknown risks.

The encountering of risks *

An exciting or remarkable experience  *

An enterprise involving financial risk

                 So for us, I assume there will be some risk involved in our traveling adventures  – putting ourselves out there for people to look and stare.  Maybe snicker or whisper about us.

                It is hard.  As the mother taking Tommy in public places, I remember getting strange looks.  People assuming that I just let my child run amok.  I didn’t discipline the way they thought I should.  When this happens to you on a personal / hurtful level, you just play it safe and STAY HOME…  The public controls our actions.  They are not physical, not even direct verbal contact.  But the emotional affects hurt deeply.  But when we play it safe we lose all of our adventurous spirits.  Ours and our child’s.  These children/adults don’t know they are different.  They want to run, play, shop and even work, they just may not be able to perform those tasks in the way the public expects them to.  Mostly due to lack of education on special needs in general.  For our family, it was the lack of education on Autism specifically.  Before Tommy’s diagnosis, we had not been affected by Autism.  We knew nothing about it.  So I do understand on some levels, but there is no reason to make faces, whisper, etc. at others where you clearly don’t know all the burdens they carry.

                Personally where I am now is, tired of being at home.  Tired of not letting Tommy experience this world we live in.  Although the world continues to wither away, God still has plenty of beauty and blessing for us to explore and enjoy.  This is where the “exciting and remarkable experience” part of Webster’s definition comes into play!

                I pray that with all of the diagnosis that are in our world now that education/information on these special needs children will be more available.  God made us all special in his own way.  We should love one another PERIOD.  Not just those that look a certain way, act a certain way.  Love doesn’t mean always agreeing with a person.  But like salvation, how can someone that is spiritually lost find God if not for someone loving them and showing them the way.

                Here’s to all of us on our adventurous days.  Whether big or small, know that I am praying that you have some joyful experiences.

 God Bless -

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The Worst Feeling

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